How do you propel student achievement and meet students’ social and emotional needs at the same time?

How do you transform school culture so that students are eager to come to school every single day?

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This game-changing toolbox illustrates 50 tools—10 per pillar—for school leaders and teachers to use to cultivate a culture of gratitude and acceptance, build relationships between staff and students, set fair and high expectations for performance, create a habit of achievement, and build skills that promote and foster tenacity.

Each chapter highlights a pillar, its definition, and key benefits based on research and provides ten tools to use to build that pillar in your school. Each of the tools lists ways that you may facilitate the activity and provides graphic organizers for you to use as you explore the tools with your staff and students.


The workbook is now available on Amazon. It will soon be distributed from major retailers.

After decades of leading schools to G.R.E.A.T.ness, Dr. Andy Parker unlocks his time-tested tools that educators can use to transform school culture and increase student achievement.

Dr Andy Parker Keynote

Using his proven system, The G.R.E.A.T. Leadership Philosophy™, his school:

Moved from one of the highest drop-out rates to one of the lowest in the state.

Leapt from one of the lowest graduation rates to one of the highest in the state.

Won 7 state championships in five years, compared to 1 in the school’s history.

Achieved consistent student academic growth each year.

Reduced assaults and fights to almost zero each year.

Learn how to transform school culture so that students are eager to come to school every single day.


About The Author

Dr. Andy is an energetic luminary and motivational speaker who has been teaching students and transforming schools for the past 30 years.

His strengths in educational leadership and his passion for supporting those in schools propelled him to create his G.R.E.A.T. Leadership Philosophy.

He uses each tool in this proven philosophy to develop teachers and coach leaders to transform school culture and improve student performance.


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